Thursday, June 4, 2015

7th Cir.: Att’y fees to defend frivolous suit are substantial burden; jury must decide zoning denial

The Seventh Circuit affirmed that incurring attorney fees in a frivolous lawsuit brought by a governmental entity can constitute a substantial burden under RLUIPA this week. It also reversed a determination that the City of Chicago had demonstrated the city had not imposed a substantial burden on a religious outreach center's religious activities by denying licenses required to conduct those activities. Judge Richard A. Posner wrote the opinion for the court, and Judge Richard D. Cudahy wrote the following, exceptional concurrence: "Unfortunately, and I think the opinion must be stamped with a large ‘MAYBE.’” Judge Ilana Rovner was the third vote. Another notable aspect of the case is that, like most RLUIPA cases, it has been in litigation a long time—nine years. As Judge Posner wrote, “We can understand the judge’s desire to end a litigation that will soon have lasted as long as the Trojan War, but we do not think that the end is yet in sight.”

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

First Church of Cannabis receives I.R.S. approval

According to the Indianapolis Star, the First Church of Cannabis has received approval as a 501(c)(3) organization. This raises a few thoughts.