Saturday, August 23, 2014

Weekly roundup for August 23, 2014

Here are the posts from this week to the Law Meets Gospel feeds on Twitter, Facebook, and blog.

Posts to the blog

 Stories from around the Internet posted to the feeds

Have a question about legal issues affecting religious organizations? Let me know at,, or @LawMeetsGospel.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Make decisions in live meetings, which doesn't mean in person

The modern age seems to have brought us two things: more meetings and more ways to meet. But what are the limits of how we can or should use technology to help us make decisions more efficiently? Deciding that means thinking about why we meet and what we give up when using technology to make decisions. The short answer is that teleconferences and Skype are acceptable means to make a decision, e-mail and chat rooms are not. And none of these is permitted unless your organization's governing documents expressly allow for electronic meetings.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Don't vote on minutes—It's a waste of time!

Every religious organization I've ever been a part of has meetings. And inevitably there are minutes for those meetings. And for some reason we feel like we should vote on them, which means we ask for a motion, and a second, and then the vote. It turns out that this not only feels like a waste of time, it is a waste of time.